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Synergy Newsletter

VISA Card Lost or Stolen?

If your Visa card is lost or stolen, please contact us immediately. This will allow us to block the card, get a replacement issued, and make sure you are not late making any required payments. After business hours, please contact the number listed in your VISA statement to report your card. You will still have to contact us to ensure a replacement card is issued. Also, if you are unable to use your VISA card, please contact us. In most cases a block was placed for a suspicious transaction, and we must then verify the transaction directly with you.

Credit Union – 773-646-3000

VISA after hours – 866-604-0381

Winter Weather

Luckily, our winters have been relatively calm lately. In those rare instances when the weather calls for heavy snow and treacherous travel, please call ahead to make sure we are open. The safety of our membership and employees is our top priority when weather turns bad.

Tax Refunds

Have you considered having your tax refund direct deposited into your share or share draft account? All you need to do is indicate your account number and credit union routing number (271080545) on your tax form. It’s safe, easy, and quicker than the mail.

Easy Bill Pay Solution

An easy bill pay solution is available to all members and it is FREE!! Just go to the merchant site payment section, enter your member number and the routing number (271080545). If using saving, be sure to use your seven-digit member number. If using checking be sure to use your you fourteen-digit checking account number located at the bottom of your checks. Most merchant site can be used to set up one-times payments or recurring monthly payments.

Secured Loans

Your credit union offers secured loans and secured VISA credit cards. If you are having trouble securing or building your credit, a secured loan can help. With an account balance of $500.00 you can qualify for a secured loan or $600.00 for a secured VISA credit card. Both loan products are reported to all three of the major credit bureaus.

End of Month Closing Time

Please be aware that the credit union closes at 3:00pm on the last business day of each month. This is necessary to process month end closing and to ensure enough time in the event of any unforeseen issues.

Check Requests by Mail

Please be aware that when you request a check by mail it may take several days to receive it. A check must be in the mail 10 days before we can place a stop on it.

Office Information


11615 S. Avenue “O”, Chicago, IL 60617
Phone: (773) 646-3000
Fax: (773) 646-5682

Apple and Android Apps now available



Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7am to 3:50pm

Andrew Malevitis – Chairman

Edward Harnisch – Vice Chairman

Brian E. Blaszak – President

Sonia Perez – Vice President

Margarita Padilla-Lizama – Operations Asst.